VANCE MUNICIPAL COURT Vance Municipal Court is a criminal misdemeanor court that handles misdemeanor and traffic offenses that occur within the Vance City limits and its surrounding police jurisdiction. Vance Municipal Court is held on the second Tuesday of each month, at the Vance City Hall. Court starts promptly at 3:00 pm.
Personal checks are not accepted. All payments must be made by one of the following:
- Cashier's Check - Money Order - Cash You may now pay your tickets online at
Many tickets may be paid in person or mailed to the Vance Municipal Court at the above address before your court date if you plan on pleading guilty, contact the court for more information. The ticket must be signed, by you, to enter your plea of guilty regardless of who comes in to pay. If you choose to mail a payment, it MUST arrive before your scheduled court date (No personal checks). Payments must be made before 2 pm on your Court date if you have a payment plan approved. Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you would like your receipt mailed back to you. Once again there are a few other offenses that may be paid via the mail; please contact the Vance Town Hall at (205)553-8278 to see if your offense can be paid without attending court.
Many offenses require a court appearance before the Judge. Court is held at the Vance City Hall. If you are scheduled to appear in court, you must do so on the date and time you are assigned. Failure to appear in court will result in further court action with a possible warrant issued for your arrest.
Contact Information 17710 Vance Municipal Drive Vance, Alabama 35490 Ph. (205)553-8278 Fx. (205)633-3731